
按标签显示项目: menopause

星期五, 27 7月 2012 12:28

Approaching menopause?

approachmenopause 125From about the age of fifty most women are infertile. The change from fertility to infertility is usually gradual, occurring over a number of years. During this time menstrual cycles often become extremely variable in length and mucus episodes less frequent.


星期四, 19 11月 2009 15:40

Normal Irregularities in your Chart

You may be wondering which irregularities in your mucus pattern and your menstrual cycles should be considered abnormal. There are different kinds of ovarian activity that are completely normal responses to different times and events in your life. Your Billings Ovulation Method® chart will help you make the connection between what is going on with your mucus pattern and menstrual cycle and what is going on in your life and your body. So let's take a look at these normal "irregularities" before we look at what might be abnormal.

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