

To achieve a pregnancy you apply the Early Day Rules of the Billings Ovulation Method® so you can clearly identify when you become potentially fertile. Once you notice a change from your Basic Infertile Pattern (BIP), wait without sex until you notice the slippery sensation. The slippery sensation means that you're at your most fertile, and that ovulation is very close. Sex over the days of the slippery sensation and the first day or two past the Peak will give you the best chance of conceiving.

achievepregnancy02 125Knowing how to identify the fertile and infertile times in your cycles can help you to optimise your chances of achieving pregnancy. With the Billings Ovulation Method® you'll learn to understand the signs of fertility and to recognise your Peak day, which is the most fertile day in your cycle and very close to the time of ovulation. That way you'll know when you have the best chance of conceiving. At its simplest, it means having sex when you're aware of the slippery sensation that signals you are at your most fertile.


Contact us to set up an in-person or online appointment with an accredited Billings Ovulation Method® tutor who will guide you through each step of the process.

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