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Author: Tess Livingstone

Price: $29.95

pdf Click here to download the Order Form for The Billings Enigma
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This dynamic book, with a Foreword by His Eminence, George Cardinal Pell, tells the story of two remarkable Melbourne doctors who developed a method of natural fertility regulation in response to the needs of Catholic families in Melbourne which subsequently achieved its greatest success in the largest Communist country in the world, China. With missionary zeal Drs John and Evelyn Billings took their Billings Ovulation Method® to the world, from the bustling slums of India to behind the Iron Curtain in the days of the Cold War, from the dust and heat of Africa to the carnival atmosphere of Brazil, travelling hundreds of thousands of air miles over more than a quarter of a century.

Meanwhile they each had busy medical practices, raised a family of nine children and wrote books about the Method, one of which sold over a million copies and was translated into 22 languages. All of this at a time of unprecedented social upheaval as a result of “sexual liberation” and the coming of “The Pill”.

Personal friends to three popes, the Drs Billings have left the world a remarkable legacy of knowledge which assists in protecting women’s reproductive health and is now continued by the work of WOOMB International Ltd.

Tess Livingstone, a journalist for The Australian and The Weekend Australian, is the author and editor of 12 other books on business, education, theology and a children’s book. Her work has been published in Australia, the UK and the USA.

For orders please fill out the information below and fax or mail to :

The Secretary, OMR&RCA, 2A/303 Burwood Highway, East Burwood. VIC 3151.
Phone: (03) 9802 2022 FAX: (03) 9887 8572
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Payment may be made by Credit card or Cheque made payable to Ovulation Method Research & Reference Centre of Australia Ltd.

pdf Click here to download the Order Form for The Billings Enigma
or contact the Billings LIFE Office

Author: Dr Evelyn Billings and Dr Ann Westmore

Price: $29.95

Click here to download Order Form of Resources for Purchase
or contact the Billings LIFE Office

TheBillingsMethod BookCover 200Wanting a baby?
Not wanting a baby just now?

Nature has provided every woman with a precise signal of her state of fertility, which she can quickly learn to recognise. This simple fact is the basis of the Billings Method, which has helped millions of woman around the world to tune into their own bodies and achieve healthy, natural fertility control.

Using the Billings Method you and your partner can be confident of knowing every day whether you are fertile or infertile, and so decide when to make love, depending on wether you want to achieve or avoid pregnancy.

This book is a clear guide for all women, whether your cycles are regular or irregular, whether you are coming off the Pill, breastfeeding a new baby, or approaching the menopause.

'This is knowledge of her body that every woman ought to have'
Dr Evelyn Billings

Click here to download Order Form of Resources for Purchase
or contact the Billings LIFE Office

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