Método de la Ovulación Billings™

Método de la Ovulación Billings™

The most effective way of learning to recognise your individual pattern of fertility and infertility according to the mucus signals is to record your observations each day in a chart. The aim is to identify on any day whether intercourse could or could not result in pregnancy.

Testimonies from satisfied couples who have learned the Billings Ovulation Method®
Some people have been given pseudonyms to protect their privacy, others were happy to use their own names.

Watch and listen to this introduction to the Billings Ovulation Method®.

There are just four simple rules of the Billings Ovulation Method® which you can apply in all circumstances and at all stages of your reproductive life.


This animation explains the changes in cervical mucus that you may experience throughout your menstrual cycle. Once you're familiar with these changes you'll be able to identify the fertile and infertile times in your cycles.


Contact us to set up an in-person or online appointment with an accredited Billings Ovulation Method® tutor who will guide you through each step of the process.

Your personal tutor is here for you to help you and answer
all your questions along the way!

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AboutThe Billings Ovulation Method®

ConceiveWanting a baby?

PreventPrevent pregnancy naturally

Fertility Information

Books, resources, educational materials, brochures, ebooks and other downloads.


Online Tutoring or Charting
